This is the web site of Institute for Research on Music and Acoustics.
Our contanct data can be found here: http://www.iema.gr/contact/.
All material is Copyrighted
The Database Management software used in the website is MySQL (version 5.1).
The server' s operating system is Linux (Ubuntu).
The HTTP server used in the website is Apache (version 2.2).
phpMyAdmin is the tool used for database management and administration.
NOTE: All logos and trademarks appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners.
Unless otherwise indicated, the websites of IEMA and its contents are property of the IEMA. You can refernce to the content but you should refer always the source.
You cannot copy and publish in any form, any content of the websites without written permission of the owner.
Copyright © 2012, Institute for Research on Music & Acoustics