On 1995, IEMA, based on the extensive material acquired and experience already collected, inaugurated a special project concerning Music Information in Greece aiming to:
- Collect information on Greek music life
- Reply to information requests from institutions or people
- Document and promote Greek Music
- Promote new music creation
- Organize activities concerning music information
- Publish music newsletters
- 1998 - GMIC is formed as a separate department of IEMA through which documentation, information and development activities are realized.
- 2000 - Information availability on the Internet through the knode of the Greek ministry of Culture. Creation of the Greek Music Portal.
- 2001 - GMIC participates in the National Music Network of the Ministry of Culture.
Start of distribution of weekly electronic music newsletters. - 2002 - GMIC is the developer of the national framework "Digitalization and Promotion of Greek Music Heritage". Participation and member application at the International Association of Music Information Centers (IAMIC).
- 2003 - GIMIC becomes a full member of IAMIC and representative of Greece. GMIC becomes member of the European Congress of Promoters of New Music (ECPNM)
- 2004 - Research project "Polymnia" is started. Polymnia, among others, foresaw the construction of a Music Information Portal.
IEMA-GIMIC developes the "Guidelines and specifications for the digitization of music and sound" - 2005 - Two new projects started: "Digitization of Greek Music Heritage" and "Promotion of Greek Music". Both financed by the Information Society National Framework Operational Programme.
- 2006 - A new department is founded under the name "Greek Music Documentation Center".
- 2009 IEMA-KeMP becomes a member of the International Music Council and the European Music Office.
- 2012 IEMA organized the International Association of Music Information Centers (IAMIC) Annual Conference (June 21-25, 2012)
- 2014-2021 IEMA took over the secretariat of IAMIC (International Association of Music Information Centers) while its representative participates in the organization's Board of Directors.
- 2019 A new organization is created as "IEMA - Music Information Center" which mainly deals with the promotion of Greek music
Archival material of GMIC
The documentation archive is the richest available in Greece, numbering 10.000 records in digital form and available through searchable databases on the Internet (for the moment only in Greek). It consists of:
- Greek composers biographical & work material (200 composers, 60 of them extensive)
- Concert halls in Greece (220 sites with photos, plans, analytical data and acoustical comments)
- Music ensembles (400 records: choirs, bands, orchestras, small ensembles)
- Music schools (780)
- Audio engineering schools (34)
- Music Institutions and Associations (116)
- Music Bibliographical Database (4285 titles of books available in Greek bookstores and libraries)
- Music periodical press (24)
- Database of Traditional Music Events in Greece (2000 records) - Music Editors - Music houses - Sound houses (595)
- Music libraries and archives (50)
- Concerts organizers (19)
- Sound & light equipment rental (116)
- Recording studios (91)
- Record companies (84)
- Musical Instrument constructors-repairs (61)
- General Press (556)
- Radio and TV stations (431)
- Library and audiovisual archives
- Books Library (2000 titles)
- Sound archives (1000 hours)
- Video archives (150 hours)
Internet Music Site
IEMA has set up an internet site to serve the Greek Music Information Center ( It incorporates archival material, databases, sound samples, scores etc., in the form of searchable databases, as well as a mailing list server, information on musical events, links and news-letters.
Archives of Composers
A wide collection of Greek Composers material is available. Analytical bios and work catalogues, scores (physical and digitized), sound material, concert programs, videos etc.
Music Information Newsletters
IEMA/GMIC publishes weekly electronic Newsletters containing information about concerts, competitions, festivals, publications etc.
IΕΜΑ AT Music Fora
2010 Greece had for first time Greek Stands at the famous World Music Expo "WOMEX" in Copenhagen 27-31/10. Ath the Greex Stands IEMA has prticipated as Greek Music Information Cnter having the opportunity to not only to promote the greek Music but also to establish cooperation with other institutions on the World Music domailn. Besides IEMA/GMIC has participated in many other Music fora, like WOMEX, Classical NEXT, MEDIMEX etc.